About us

Founded in Denmark in 1968, now known internationally as experts in value investment.

Group description

The Sparinvest Group consists of the Luxembourg-based parent company Sparinvest Holdings SE and its wholly-owned subsidiaries Sparinvest S.A. in Luxembourg and the Danish branch ID-Sparinvest, Filial af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg.

The Group

Sparinvest Holdings SE (Parent company)

The Sparinvest Group originally conducted its business in Denmark only, but in 2001, it set up a subsidiary in Luxembourg which, in addition to managing the Luxembourg-domiciled investment funds, provided a marketing platform for large parts of the EU. Since the Group’s expansion going forward will primarily be based on the activities and the organisation in Luxembourg, Sparinvest Holding A/S was converted into Sparinvest Holdings SE, a European public limited company (SE) at the end of June 2011 and moved to Luxembourg, in support of those plans.

Sparinvest S.A.

Sparinvest S.A. is domiciled in Luxembourg and is approved as a UCITS IV compliant management company and Alternative Investment Funds Manager (Super ManCo) by the Luxembourg FSA, CSSF. The company handles the administration of the Luxembourg-domiciled UCITS and AIF funds. Furthermore, the company is responsible for the Group’s international distribution in addition to providing asset management and advisory services to professional investors. Apart from its domicile in Luxembourg, Sparinvest S.A. also has a local representation office in Paris. Selected sub-funds of Sparinvest SICAV are notified for marketing and distribution in multiple jurisdictions i.e. Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Spain, Finland, France, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,  Norway, Sweden.

Sparinvest S.A. has delegated certain tasks to trusted third parties from whom regular reporting is required. Spuerkeess is appointed Depositary Bank and Paying Agent. Certain tasks (Registrar and Transfer Agent, Net Asset Value Calculation and Fund Accounting) have been delegated to UI EFA S.A.

ID-Sparinvest, Filial af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg (country branch)

The Danish branch of Sparinvest S.A. - ID-Sparinvest, Filial af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg - is domiciled in Denmark and is approved as a branch of a UCITS IV compliant Management Company and Alternative Investment Fund Manager by the Danish FSA, Finanstilsynet. The branch handles the management and the administration of the Danish-domiciled UCITS and AIFs for professional investors. Furthermore, the branch is responsible for the Group’s Danish distribution in addition to providing asset management and advisory services to professional investors.

Board of directors - Sparinvest Holdings SE

Executive Management

Jørgen Søgaard-Andersen

Group CEO

History and ownership

Sparinvest was founded as the first mutual fund in Denmark in 1968 and since then Sparinvest has evolved into an international asset management company. Today Sparinvest has a total capital of approximately DKK 465 billion and provides long-term investment products in 14 European countries.

We have about 75 employees working at four offices throughout Europe. Even though we have evolved into an international business, our main priority is still to focus on down-to- earth Danish values with a high focus on the investors.

We offer investment in selected areas and work with a few key strategies that are thoroughly tested and have already shown their worth. Our fixed course means that you will never see us establish new products each time a new trend pops up. Our products should not be exciting just for the news value. The only purpose they serve is to obtain a profitable, risk-adjusted return for our investors.

In Denmark, Sparinvest investment products are traded primarily through commercial banks who also provide advisory services to our 420,000 private Danish investors. Globally, Sparinvest has a total of 450,000 investors.

Sparinvest S.A. has obtained marketing authorisation for the distribution of products from regulatory authorities in: Belgium, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), England, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Norway, Switzerland, Spain, Sweden, Germany and Austria.

As of 30 August 2019, Nykredit owns 75% of Sparinvest while the remaining 25% is owned by Danish commercial banks and insurance companies.


Sparinvest was founded by a group of savings banks in 1968 as the first mutual fund in Denmark. The mutual fund was established in the light of a need to provide clients with alternative saving products – especially products aimed at long-term savings.

From Danish investment fund to European asset management company

In 2001, Sparinvest expanded beyond Denmark and established a European subsidiary called Sparinvest S.A., whose registered office is in Luxembourg. In 1999, Sparinvest established a holding company with a broad range of shareholders and included banks, insurance companies and pension funds as co-owners. Since then, Sparinvest has evolved into an asset management company with a broad range of competencies in providing investment advice to international private and professional investors.

In August 2019, Nykredit acquired 75% of the shares in Sparinvest while the remaining 25% continue to be owned by Danish commercial banks and insurance companies.

Key dates

2019  Nykredit acquires 75% of Sparinvest Holdings SE
2014 The Danish management company ID-Sparinvest A/S merges with Sparinvest S.A., and with that becoming a country branch of the Luxembourgian subsidiary under the name ID-Sparinvest, Filial af Sparinvest S.A., Luxembourg.
2012 Integration of ESG risk factors into investment processes for all strategies – active and passive; bonds and equities. Signature of 'Heads of Agreement' with Haitong International. Creation of single Danish management company ID-Sparinvest A/S out of merger of: Sparinvest Fondsmæglerselskab A/S, ID-Sparinvest A/S and Sparinvest Group Services A/S.
2011 Relocation of headquarters from Denmark to Luxembourg and granting of UCITs IV asset manager status by Luxembourg CSSF. Signature of 'Value Alliance' with Brandes Investment Partners, US.
2009 Signature of United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment.
2005 Introduction of Sparinvest Value Bonds strategy.
2005 Began working with Ethix SRI Advisers on behalf of Institutional clients seeking Ethical screening.
2001 Establishment of a Luxembourg subsidiary to implement a pan-European strategy leading to distribution authorisation in 14 jurisdictions.
1999 Change from mutual fund structure to Asset Management Company.
1997 Implementation of proven long-term investment strategies – principally strategic asset allocation and value.
1996 Change of senior management and major investigation into investment academia.
1989 Group merges with PrivatInvest (now Nordea Invest) and de-merges one year later to maintain independence.
1968 Sparinvest is founded as mutual fund group by various Danish savings banks.